JavaScript Performance – Is Prototypal Inheritance Inherently Slower?


I see Javascript 6 will add traditional class based inheritance, and one argument I hear is that classes are inherently much faster than prototypes because they can be optimized away by the compiler when doing (JIT) compilation to native code or to bytecode. That sort of makes sense to my mind, but I'm not nearly an advanced enough programmer to really understand this stuff.

The argument I always saw for prototypal inheritance (PI) was that it conserves memory, which is mostly a completely moot point these days. Personally, I like PI and always felt it "makes sense" in a dynamic language; like it is a luxury you can just as well afford if you already settled for the performance limitations of an interpreted dynamic language.

In C++, classes makes sense because of the limitations that comes with the C++ philosophy that everything takes a back seat to maximum possibility for performance.

Of course you can have PI in C++ and there is a well known design pattern for that, but I'm talking about built-in inheritance in a dynamic language.

If one was looking at the fastest possible implementation of prototypal inheritance in a fictional dynamic language, what would necessarily be the drawbacks with regards to performance vis-à-vis traditional classes?

What if you add the feature to the fictional language that you can specify that some objects are "final" and their prototype chain cannot be changed at runtime? (Coexisting with traditional PI) Also add optional static typing or type hinting if that helps the prototypal language.

Since this might be considered a bit of a vague question, I'm adding:

I guess I'm looking for the thoughts on the subject from people who are more clever and more interested in language theory and/or compiler/interpreter writing than me. Hope that is still an ok question.

This is not about Javascript 6 at all, I just brought it up because Javascript is the most successful prototypal language and it is interesting that they are adding native classes even though Javascript seemed to be doing fine without them (both popularity wise and having some jaw-dropping benchmark improvements in the last few years). I'm also not saying that I believe or think that Javascript is slow.

Really, I'm more interested in learning more about programming languages, possibly with the goal of some day constructing my own dynamic language.

Best Answer

There's really two things to understand:

  1. prototypal inheritance has nothing to do with performance at all. The performance issues come from runtime changes to the inheritance structure.
  2. prototypal inheritance (and flexible object structures) are not so much inherently slower, as they are harder to optimize.

To illustrate the first claim, Ruby would be a flagship example of class based objects being abysmally slow. The problem generally persists throughout Smalltalk-like langauges, e.g. Objective-C, that employ message passing for method calls. The Objective-C runtime uses some nifty method caching to tackle the issue, but it did take them a while to get that far.

What makes method calls cheap is that the compiler (or JIT or runtime even) has some definite knowledge about the structure of an object. Be that explicitly given in terms of language features, or implicitly inferred from static analysis, the knowledge exists and the compiler can use that to optimize.

Now when the structure can change at runtime, this makes things a little tricky, because you need good heuristics to detect which portions of the code are worth being optimized at all (you want a good ratio between the frequency of the code being run to the frequency at which it changes and the cost of optimizing it), to get the best overall runtime characteristics.

So what is the point of classes in dynamic languages? Well, there must be one, because there's numerous JavaScript class systems (like that of Ext). Sure, familiarity for programmers used to classes is one reason. But the real benefit comes from helping to ensure explicit definitions of object types. Such a class definition is one (albeit complex) statement. With vanilla JavaScript constructors, you have a whole bunch of statements, that are grouped together, if you're lucky. The class structure is really just a side effect of imperative code, if you will. Class declarations are unsurprisingly meant to facilitate a more declarative style.

It's worth to note that the Self language that really made prototypal inheritance explicit (although it's really straight forward to achieve in a language with message passing), was created for an environment where you programmed a fully interactive system while it was running. You could actually see an object on screen. This allowed for a clean declaration that was still modifiable at runtime, because the declaration and the result were so intimately coupled. Without such a coupling, fiddling with object structure at runtime can quickly become an unintelligible mess that is really hard to fit in your brain, let alone reason about.

You can pretty much get prototypal inheritance if you have good support for delegation. You just delegate all unimplemented calls to an object that you consider a prototype and you're done. It's more flexible. However it's equally harder to optimize.

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