Object-oriented – Is this a Single Responsibility Principle violation


I'm designing an OO graph library and at the moment I'm trying to figure out the design for a GraphEdge class. I've added setters and getters for it's nodes, direction and weight. This seemes perfectly reasonable.

Then I've started working on the Graph class and I've come to the need of knowing if the particular edge is adjacent to the particular node.

And now I doubt if I should add a isAdjacentTo(Node) method to the GraphEdge class or I should create a GraphUtil class(*) and add static edgeIsAdjacentToNode(Edge,Node) method to it.

On the one hand, I can not see any additional reasons for changing GraphEdge if I stick to the first option. On the other hand, this seems to me like kind of second responsibility added to the class.

Also if I stick to the first option this will probably violate the Open-Close Principle. The GraphEdge is not closed for changes, since later I will need to add linksNodes(Node,Node) method to it and maybe some others later.

The questions are:

  • Does adding isAdjacentTo(Node) method to the GraphEdge class violates the SRP?

  • Why?

(*) I stick to pure OO style with no free functions

Best Answer

I believe you've wandered into the field of over-engineering, chasing abstract principles instead of focusing on get things done in the simplest and most pleasant way.

Your (*) is a clear giveaway. OO can provide great help in managing complexity, but only as long as it's used as a tool to that goal. If instead you want to "write pure OO" instead of "solving my problem", it becomes a burden.

SRP is a similar thing -- it's well worth thinking. And especially good use to drive "extract" or "split" type of refactorings when your current code is overburdened with too many tasks. After addressing DRY usually we still have a plenty of options on packaging, and it is a matter of balance. Too big class is bad, but having it single has benefits. If the same task is done by 5 classes it may be way harder to follow. Especially if none of them have a chance to work alone, they are coupled with cross-calls in all directions. Such split might look good on dumb statistics but is bad for practice anyway.

So much for the theory, what about your case? You picked a border problem; indeed the function may not fit either Node or Edge. Though even that is hard to tell without the content, knowing what those actually do. Can I walk the graph having just a Node or an Edge? If I can, then adjacent may fit to that same group of functions.

Actually as soon as you have implementation of the function, it should be a great help to see where it fits better -- what data it had to fetch. Say, if it starts with getting the node and edge collections from Graph, why on earth is it not just member of Graph and play on the home ground?

A free function might also be fair game. A *Utils fake class that is really just a trash bin is probably the worst way, that hardly wins anything but adds to complexity. But a language or an ill-conceived policy may force that.

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