Refactoring – Why Using Other Object’s Data in Switch Statement is Bad


In the code sample below the Rental object is using Movie's fields to do a switch statement. Martin says : this is a bad idea but he does not give any deeper explanation as to why ?

Of course, you can say that this means a lot of coupling between Movie and Rental, or that Movie is badly encapsulated but those are just (almost meaningless) words, again, they don't explain the why? They don't go to the root of the question, so to say. They don't provide much understanding.

What I would like to know if there is a deeper, more general design principle why having a switch on Rental is a bad idea ?

In other words, how does Martin knows that the switch statement is on the wrong object ? Where does he get this insight from ? What is his thought process ?

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Best Answer

What happens when Movie has a new type added to it like Movie.DISCOUNT?

Of course, you can say that this means a lot of coupling between Movie and Rental, or that Movie is badly encapsulated but those are just (almost meaningless) words, again,

They're deeply meaningful words. They mean that when you change Movie, you now get to change Rental too since they're tightly coupled. Worse yet, in a language like Java there's nothing to tell you that this switch statement needs to be modified (though most IDEs do, to be fair). So if you don't modify the switch statement, you now have a bug that's giving people free movie rentals.

The primary focus of program design (and by extension refactoring) is optimizing code around the question "what happens when this changes?". That's the thought process that will help you understand many of the motivations in the book.