Object-oriented – mvc pattern on procedural php


First off, I do not have anything against OO programming (I'd be mad if i believed so). But I was thinking on some sort of procedural MVC pattern with PHP; let me explain better.

As we all know, variable scopes, unless they are taken from $_SESSION (, database, redis, etc.) are never global and only refer to a singular execution of a script. For example:

class Car {
  this->name = "foo";
  function setName($name) { ... }
  function getName() { return $this->name; }

Where obviously in a more common situation, this data will be taken from the DB, otherwise any object car, per execution, would have the same name.

Now, is it not possible to apply MVC pattern on procedural code for simplicity purpose? Imagine a really simple social network like application; I could have a structure like this

- profile.php
- messages.php
- login.php

where profile, messages and login.php work as controllers and route to the right view; and user and message.php work as the classes, that contain all the functions that are eventually needed by the controllers, such as getUserById($id), postMessage($id, $meesage), etc.

I have simplified it a lot but I think you can sort of understand my point.

What would you think of such implementation on the long run, and why?

Best Answer

I won't argue with Stephen, even though I could. ;)

Basically, if you want to go with MVC on your own, you'll need at least a request dispatcher and probably a view resolver along with some configuration facilities.

As procedural PHP has no real support for types, coupling problems will probably be a PITA.

In a most basic scenario you could just have a request mapping like

$mapping = array(
    "show_profile" => "profile.php:showProfile",
    "edit_profile" => "profile.php:editProfile",
    "etc" => "whatever.php:doEtc"

and then just retrieve the correct setting and explode it to $fileToInclude and $functionToCall. There you'll have your controller-problem sorted out (passing some generalized $request parameter to them or so).

As for a very simple run, your controller could do whatever it should and then explicitly inlcude the view file or return some data so that the view resolver can be invoked with the identifier (e.g. file path or mapping key) of the view to render and the data to display.

There are serveral approaches, and the above one is not even close to an elegant solution (heck, we're talking about procedural code :D) but this is the most simple clean-ish variation I can think of; you can extend on it as you please.

Keep in mind that you want to keep your code as decopuled and maintainable as possible. (A hard way would be to create a framework with which you could use arbitrary code as controller with arbitrary functions and parameters; the easiest one is simply a matter of some explicit includes)

PS.: I'd suggest using existing frameworks for that matter, but the only publicly available PHP frameworks that are viable are all OO and mixing up OOP with procedural code would be a terrible practice; even worse than reinventing your wheels. Actually, if you don't have to stay procedural at all cost, you better switch to OO.

Good luck with your project!

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