Object-Oriented Design – Importance of Object-Oriented Design


I started studying Object Oriented Design and Modelling using the this book by James Rumbaugh. It uses a tool called Object Modeling Technique (OMT). I have certain newbie questions. I searched the net, but couldn't get answers

  1. The book is pretty old. Don't know why the school told me to learn this. I know OMT is a predecessor of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). So its a waste?

  2. Whether the concepts change very much when we move from OMT to UML? I know OMT has Object, Dynamic and Functional Model. Wikipedia says UML is compatible with OMT and UML is a model too.

  3. As per wikipedia the UML models are Static and Dynamic and they are represented by different diagrams like class, object, activity, sequence….. I couldn't find the equivalence of this in OMT.

  4. I read that there are many object oriented development methods like OMT, Booch,…. Which one is used by Industry ?

  5. Where could I get a comparison of different Object oriented development methods?

Best Answer

The book is pretty old. Don't know why the school told me to learn this.

Because your professor thinks it is a good one? Object orientation is not a brand-new concept. And the concept does not depend on such details like if you are drawing the cardinality of an aggregation by using a star or a circle. The OMT book is not mainly about the graphical notation, it is mainly about object oriented modeling, which is a concept independent from the notation.

Whether the concepts change very much when we move from OMT to UML.

Learning OMT first will be no waste of time, as others have pointed out, UML is more like a superset of OMT. For example, the class diagram notation in OMT and UML is very similar, I guess you will grasp the notation differences in an hour.

As per wikipedia the UML models are Static and Dynamic and they are represented by different diagrams like class, object, activity, sequence..... I couldn't find the equivalence of this in OMT.

UML has some more diagram types compared to OMT, that's true. But class diagrams are the most important ones, and the differences are small. Real-world use of dynamic models is relatively seldom compared to class diagrams.

I read that there are many object oriented development methods like OMT, Booch,.... Which one is used by Industry ?

In the software industry IMHO you will find 90% of the companies using object oriented programming languages (but almost no diagrams), 9% using UML class diagrams and 1% using some additional tools like other UML diagrams or data flow diagrams (just my personal experience, YMMV).

Where could I get a comparison of different Object oriented development methods?

Enter "comparison of different Object oriented development methods" into Google, and you will probably find this link.

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