OOP Getters/Setters – Object Oriented Programming: Getters/Setters or Logical Names


I'm currently thinking about an interface to a class I'm writing. This class contains styles for a character, for example whether the character is bold, italic, underlined, etc. I've been debating with myself for two days whether I should use getters/setters or logical names for the methods which change the values to these styles. While I tend to prefer logical names, it does mean writing code that is not as efficient and not as logical. Let me give you an example.

I've got a class CharacterStyles which has member variables bold, italic, underline (and some others, but I'll leave them out to keep it simple). The easiest way to allow other parts of the program to access these variables, would be to write getter/setter methods, so that you can do styles.setBold(true) and styles.setItalic(false).

But I do not like this. Not only because a lot of people say that getters/setters break encapsulation (is it really that bad?), but mostly because it doesn't seem logical to me. I expect to style a character through one method, styles.format("bold", true) or something like that, but not through all these methods.

There is one problem though. Since you can't access an object member variable by the contents of a string in C++, I would either have to write a big if-statement/switch container for all styles, or I would have to store the styles in an associative array (map).

I can't figure out what the best way is. One moment I think I should write the getters/setters, and the next moment I lean towards the other way. My question is: what would you do? And why would you do that?

Best Answer

Yes, getters/setters do break encapsulation - they basically are just an extra layer between directly accessing the underlying field. You might as well just access it directly.

Now, if you want more complex methods to access the field, that's valid, but instead of exposing the field, you need to think what methods the class should be offering instead. ie. instead of a Bank class with a Money value that is exposed using a property, you need to think what types of access a Bank object should offer (add money, withdraw, get balance) and implement those instead. A property on the Money variable is only syntactically different from exposing the Money variable directly.

DrDobbs has an article that says more.

For your problem, I'd have 2 methods setStyle and clearStyle (or whatever) that take an enum of the possible styles. A switch statement inside these methods would then apply the relevant values to the appropriate class variables. This way, you can change the internal representation of the styles to something else if you later decide to store them as a string (for use in HTML for example) - something that would require all users of your class to be changed too if you used get/set properties.

You can still switch on strings if you want to take arbitrary values, either have a big if-then statement (if there's a few of them), or a map of string values to method pointers using std::mem_fun (or std::function) so "bold" would be stored in a map key with its value being a sts::mem_fun to a method that sets the variable bold to true (if the strings are the same as the member variable names, then you can also use the stringifying macro to reduce the amount of code you need to write)