Object-oriented – OO Software Architecture – base class that everything inherits from. Bad/good idea

Architectureinheritanceobject-orientedprogramming practices

I am reviewing a proposed OO software architecture that looks like this:

  • Base
    • Foo
      • Something
    • Bar
      • SomethingElse

Where Base is a static class.

My immediate thought was that every object in any class will inherit all the methods in Base which would create a large object. Could this cause problems for a large system? The whole architecture is hierarchical.. the 'tree' is much bigger than this really. Does this sort of architecture have a name (hierarchical?!). What are the known pros and cons?

Best Answer

The real question is: WHY does the architect want everything to inherit from base? What's the utility of doing so?

If it's for something like serialization interfaces, then it MIGHT make sense if you will need a general serialization facility. But make sure that you actually will need EVERY class in the system to have that functionality. If you don't, then you end up needlessly inflating each class, AND you'll end up having to implement (or stub out) functionality in classes where that functionality doesn't make sense.

I would NEVER implement my own 'uber-base' like this in a system, because I can't conceive of any functionality or interface that I would want in EVERY object EVERYWHERE in my system. The only thing I can think of that it might be useful for is something like heterogeneous containers, but I've never been in a situation where I wanted a completely heterogeneous container - I generally want a set of classes, not just any random thing under the sun to go into my containers.

Unless the architect can demonstrate why they want this uber-base, I'd leave it out.

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