C++ – Reasons to Create Own Array Class Over Using std::array


What specific conditions or requirements should you create your own array over using std::array?

Here is my background:

I'm developing a small simple library that a small group of people will use and hopefully build upon. The current structure allows for both std::vector and std::array using iterators, however, a lot of the people do not like and cannot seem to use std::array and find the notation confusing to work with the library.

I have attempted to make my library work for better for std::array however, it dawned on me that maybe I should provide my own and adding in the functionality needed?

For example: library::array<int, 2> myArray; myArray.fill(1, 100); and I thought it would be a good project in order for me to develop my skills, particularly in templates and other sorting algorithms.

Best Answer

  • How many dimensions are needed?
    • C++ Template programming may require some code duplication for each level of higher dimension.
    • Address calculation is the easy part. A simple approach can be used for dimensions up to a dozen.
    • For a 3-dimensional example:
      • Let the size of the array be [m, n, p]
      • For each dimension, we calculate a "weight vector" by successively multiplying terms:
        [p*n, p, 1]
      • To access the element at [i, j, k], its linearized element index can be calculated as:
        [i, j, k] dotproduct [p*n, p, 1]
        or ((((i * n) + j) * p) + k)
    • For higher dimensions, care must be taken to reduce the time spent in multiplications needed for element address calculation.

  • What are the typical sizes of the array, to the order of magnitude?
    • For small-sized arrays (less than 1000 elements), basically any design and implementation will work, unless proven otherwise by a profiler.
    • For medium-sized arrays (as long as it can still fit entirely in the computer's memory or the application's address space), performance will be an increasingly important concern.
    • For large arrays (which cannot fit as a contiguous piece of memory), architecture concern will dominate.

  • Architecture / Memory Layout
    • Driving forces:
      • Size / scale
      • Performance
      • Computational platform
      • Interoperability (with other code / libraries)
      • Access semantics
    • Available choices:
      • Contiguous memory (the easiest, most straight-forward choice)
      • Non-contiguous memory (example: tiled array)
      • Memory-mapped file
      • Distributed across multiple machines in a network

  • Does your implementation need to support high performance?
    • As a ballpark, anything requiring more than one billion elementary operations per second can be considered high-performance for the purpose of choosing a design.
    • Designing for high-performance will impose constraints on:
      • Choice of computational platform
      • Choice of memory layout

  • Computational platform?
    • If high performance is not needed, scalar C++ code will be sufficient.
    • Otherwise, a high-performance computational platform will be needed.
    • This will impose constraints on:
      • Choice of memory layout
    • Computational choices
      • Scalar C++
      • Multi-core computing
      • Manual threading
      • Concurrent programming library (Intel TBB, Microsoft PPL/AMP)
      • Compiler-assisted (OpenMP)
      • Parallel programming languages. Example: Cilk, Brook
      • Open-soure library (OpenCV)
      • SIMD (Single-Instruction Multiple Data) example: Intel SSE2, AVX, ARM NEON, PowerPC AltiVec
      • GPU programming (CUDA, OpenCL)

  • Does the array need to be accessible by other libraries, without copying?
    • If so, your array's memory layout must be compatible with that other library you are using.
    • For small array sizes, or for access patterns where writes (modifications) occur infrequently, copying is not an issue.
    • For large arrays which are both read and written very frequently, data copying can become an performance issue.

  • A story where a bad combination of data copying and access semantics can cause an increasingly disproportionate performance issue:
    • Consider two modules, each of which has its own copy of a 100 MB array, and which they have to keep synchronized at regular intervals.
    • Suppose that one of the modules freely modifies its own copy, without keeping track of which region of the array is being modified.
    • When the time comes to perform synchronization, the first module will have to copy the entire 100 MB array over, because it cannot tell which part needs synchronization.
    • The user of the first module will complain that "if I am only modifying a few elements of this array, why is the library taking so long to synchronize?"
  • Lesson: by requiring modifications to go through an API call, access semantics can be used to reduce inefficiency in data copying.

  • Access semantics.
    • Boils down to three questions:
      • Who computes the memory address of elements? given the subscripts (i, j, k)
      • How is the array's lifetime (ownership) managed?
      • Is the array implementation being notified of which part of the array is modified?
  • Choices:
    • Direct access to underlying memory, no API call.
      • The array implementation will not know which part of the array is modified / used.
    • Direct access to underlying memory, requiring a API call to lock/unlock an array view.
      • Known as "advisory locks" because it cannot enforce access control.
      • An advisory lock is still useful, because by locking/unlocking the library is notified of current users of the array, as well as the region being modified.
    • API method for reading and writing one element at a time
      • Easiest to implement and use
      • Slowest
    • API method for copying an array view at a time
      • Copies between a sub-rectangle of your array and a normal C/C++/Java array
      • Good balance between high-performance and safety
      • Allows your array implementation to use a different memory layout

  • Design of the library interface and syntax
    • ...

If you have made it thus far, congratulations, you can start designing the interface and the syntax!

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