Objects Representing Logic and Data – Terminology


The reason I am asking this question is I want to know how to properly call an architecture where classes have either data or logic but not both. I know this goes against object orientation and encapsulation. I want to use the proper terms for discussing this architecture.

EDIT: By reading the answers I have received, I can see my question wasn't clear. I also feel the edit that was made didn't push the question in the direction I was going for.

I will restate the question in other terms.

Suppose you are working in C#, Java or some other OO language.

You have 2 designs:


class Car
     // data
     int numberOfWheels; 
     Engine carEngine;

     // methods
     public void StartCar();


class Car
     // this class contains only data (be it entity, DTO, whatever)
     int numberOfWheels;
     Engine carEngine;

class CarStarter
     public void StartCar(Car aCar);

In DESIGN B, some classes are used as data structures/DTO/entities (they contain only data and should not contain methods). Other classes contains logic and work with the data classes.

Now suppose you have a design/architecture where DESIGN B, should be applied throughout rather than design A.

I was looking either for a term that described DESIGN B, or the OOP term/notion that consist of DESIGN A. Preferably both.

For the OOP term I guess encapsulation could be it. From Wikipedia Encapsulation

A language construct that facilitates the bundling of data with the methods (or other functions) operating on that data.

I still don't know how to call DESIGN B though.

Best Answer

Do you see how many different answers you're getting here?

You know what the conclusion is?

There are no standard, well-known and actually-common names for this kind of thing.

If you want people to understand you, simply call them as they are: data structures and classes (or business rules). If you want to make a clear distinction somewhere, explain it - verbosely.

Sticking to extra-formal terms always seems so unpragmatic to me.