Design Patterns – Tic Tac Toe Class Diagram

design-patternsgame developmentobject-oriented

I'm in a software engineering class and I want to practice some skills on the most basic case possible : tic tac toe. I know this is overkill but I want to do it in "proper" OOP.

I designed a class diagram for it but there is one point where I don't clearly see what would be the best design decision.

enter image description here

("Joueur" means "Player", "PlancheDeJeu" means "Game board")

Given this diagram, according to the Expert, Low coupling and Strong cohesion design patterns (sorry if those are not the correct english terms, I am translating) the score should be kept by the user class (Joueur). However, since there is no direct relation between Joueur and Système I don't exactly know how the game could display the score in a clean way. In this diagram, Système would have to ask the PlancheDeJeu object about the score and it would itself have to get it from Joueur. This seems wrong. I am trying to think of how to design an intermediary object that would link Joueur and Système but I can't come up with a good idea.

What would be the best way to go here ?

Thanks !

Best Answer

I would have modeled it this way:

  • There are players as you modeled them
  • A class Game has a state {scheduled, running, finished}, it also stores pointers to two players, and Game also stores the score for player 1 and player 2
  • A System keeps track of all played/scheduled games (maybe it needs to provide a unique id for a new game, thus becoming a factory for games)
  • If you want to compute e.g. an average score for a specific player, you can introduce references from Player to Game. For easier access, I wouldn't go the other way and traverse through the list of games to find those player X participated in.

It's hard to analyse coupling and cohesion on such a small example, but I'd say that the score does not belong to a player, but to the game he participates in.


In this diagram, Système would have to ask the PlancheDeJeu object about the score and it would itself have to get it from Joueur

Your model says Joueur can access PlancheDeJeu, but not the other way.

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