SQL – Handling Database Foreign Keys in Entity Classes


I know that an attribute defines the state of an object. So, is it correct to keep attributes that don't define the state of an object of a class?

For example, I have an Employee class, which has these attributes:


The dept_id, address_id and bank_id are foreign keys. Now my actual question is can we include attributes like bank_id, address_id and dept_id into Employee class because they are not actually showing exact behavior of Employee Class? Instead can I make another class named EmployeeForeignKeys and keep these attributes bank_id, address_id, dept_id in that class?

Best Answer

First a couple of observations:

  1. Classes don't have foreign keys. You are assuming classes represent tables in a relational database and that's wrong. Not every class in the world will be persisted to a RDBMS, nor every RDBMS table will have a class modeled after it. That is wrong to begin with.
  2. How exactly do you tell what "defines the state" of an object and what doesn't? Perhaps for a Person class the BankAccount is not part of its inner state but for an Employee class it does.
  3. dept_id and address_id don't follow any widely accepted Java naming convention, they should be named deptId, addressID, etc.

An Employee class shouldn't have a bankID member but a bankAccount member which is of type BankAccount.

I wouldn't do this:

public class Employee{
    private int coBank;
    public int getCoBank(){};

but this

public class Employee{
    private BankAccount bankAccount;
    public BankAccount getBankAccount(){};

In the case of a person perhaps the banking information is not part of the class itself, so, you invert the logic so the person doesn't have a reference to the banking information and let the BankAccount have a reference to the person:

public class BankAccount{
    public Person owner getOwner(){};

In the case of en amployee, everyone should have a bank account to work properly so it makes sense the bank account to be part of its state.

In the case of a mere person that may not be so, so the bank account should reference the person and not the other way around.


@COMEFROM in one comment added some valid exceptions to my point on whether or not classes should have referencing IDs as members:

I think it's worth to mention that having referencing ID:s as attributes is alright in a larger scale, if the referenced entity is out of the scope of the system under design or if it otherwise belongs to some other context than the parent object.

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