Object-oriented – Why is the class worse than the hierarchy of classes in the book (beginner OOP)


I am reading PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice. The author is trying to model a lesson in a college. The goal is to output the lesson type (lecture or seminar), and the charges for the lesson depending on whether it is an hourly or fixed price lesson. So the output should be

Lesson charge 20. Charge type: hourly rate. Lesson type: seminar.
Lesson charge 30. Charge type: fixed rate. Lesson type: lecture.

when the input is as follows:

$lessons[] = new Lesson('hourly rate', 4, 'seminar');
$lessons[] = new Lesson('fixed rate', null, 'lecture');

I wrote this:

class Lesson {
    private $chargeType;
    private $duration;
    private $lessonType;

    public function __construct($chargeType, $duration, $lessonType) {
        $this->chargeType = $chargeType;
        $this->duration = $duration;
        $this->lessonType = $lessonType;

    public function getChargeType() {
        return $this->getChargeType;

    public function getLessonType() {
        return $this->getLessonType;

    public function cost() {
        if($this->chargeType == 'fixed rate') {
            return "30";
        } else {
            return $this->duration * 5;

$lessons[] = new Lesson('hourly rate', 4, 'seminar');
$lessons[] = new Lesson('fixed rate', null, 'lecture');

foreach($lessons as $lesson) {
    print "Lesson charge {$lesson->cost()}.";
    print " Charge type: {$lesson->getChargeType()}.";
    print " Lesson type: {$lesson->getLessonType()}.";
    print "<br />";

But according to the book, I am wrong (I am pretty sure I am, too). Instead, the author gave a large hierarchy of classes as the solution. In a previous chapter, the author stated the following 'four signposts' as the time when I should consider changing my class structure:

The only problem I can see is conditional statements, and that too in a vague manner – so why refactor this? What problems do you think might arise in the future that I have not foreseen?

Update: I forgot to mention – this is the class structure the author has provided as a solution – the strategy pattern:

The strategy pattern

Best Answer

It's funny that the book doesn't state it clearly, but the reason why it favours a class hierarchy over if statements inside the same class is probably the Open/Closed principle This widely-known software design rule states that a class should be closed to modification but open for extension.

In your example, adding a new lesson type would mean changing the Lesson class's source code, making it fragile and regression prone. If you had a base class and one derivative for each lesson type, you would instead just have to add another subclass, which is generally considered cleaner.

You can put that rule under the "Conditional Statements" section if you will, however I consider that "signpost" to be a bit vague. If statements are generally just code smells, symptoms. They can result from a wide variety of bad design decisions.

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