SOA – Why Is There No Service-Oriented Language?



To avoid further confusion: I am not talking about web services and such. I am talking about structuring applications internally, it's not about how computers communicate. It's about programming languages, compilers and how the imperative programming paradigm is extended.


In the imperative programming field, we saw two paradigms in the past 20 years (or more): object-oriented (OO), and service-oriented (SO) aka. component-based (CB).

Both paradigms extend the imperative programming paradigm by introducing their own notion of modules. OO calls them objects (and classes) and lets them encapsulates both data (fields) and procedures (methods) together. SO, in contrast, separates data (records, beans, …) from code (components, services).

However, only OO has programming languages which natively support its paradigm: Smalltalk, C++, Java and all other JVM-compatibles, C# and all other .NET-compatibles, Python etc.

SO has no such native language. It only comes into existence on top of procedural languages or OO languages: COM/DCOM (binary, C, C++), CORBA, EJB, Spring, Guice (all Java), …

These SO frameworks clearly suffer from the missing native language support of their concepts.

  • They start using OO classes to represent services and records. This leads to designs where there is a clear distinction between classes that have methods only (services) and those that have fields only (records). Inheritance between services or records is then simulated by inheritance of classes. Technically, its not kept so strictly but in general programmers are adviced to make classes to play only one of the two roles.
  • They use additional, external languages to represent the missing parts: IDL's, XML configurations, Annotations in Java code, or even embedded DSL like in Guice. This is especially needed, but not limited to, since the composition of services is not part of the service code itself. In OO, objects create other objects so there is no need for such facilities but for SO there is because services don't instantiate or configure other services.
  • They establish an inner-platform effect on top of OO (early EJB, CORBA) where the programmer has to write all the code that is needed to "drive" SO. Classes represent only a part of the nature of a service and lots of classes have to be written to form a service together. All that boiler plate is necessary because there is no SO compiler which would do it for the programmer. This is just like some people did it in C for OO when there was no C++. You just pass the record which holds the data of the object as a first parameter to the procedure which is the method. In a OO language this parameter is implicit and the compiler produces all the code that we need for virtual functions etc. For SO, this is clearly missing.
  • Especially the newer frameworks extensively use AOP or introspection to add the missing parts to a OO language. This doesn't bring the necessary language expressiveness but avoids the boiler platform code described in the previous point.
  • Some frameworks use code generation to produce the boiler plate code. Configuration files in XML or annotations in OO code is the source of information for this.

Not all of the phenomena that I mentioned above can be attributed to SO but I hope it clearly shows that there is a need for a SO language. Since this paradigm is so popular: why isn't there one? Or maybe there are some academic ones but at least the industry doesn't use one.

Best Answer

Because <5% of code is actually defining a service, and I would argue a substantially less amount of time. Once the interface is defined, it's largely done. The rest of the time is spent in OO (or alternatives) making things work.

Simply put, it's not a big win to make a specialized language for that small slice of the problem. If anything, having two languages (one for the service and one for the implementation/consumption) is just asking for added integration complexity.

[edit for the OPs clarification that it's internal application layout, not application boundary]:

The main goal of having such a service layout is to have thin touchpoints between services. My original reason still holds (imo) and add to that answer the fact that relatively few problems suit themselves well towards an internal application structure that is service based. So not only are you addressing a small slice of the problem, but a lower percentage of problems overall.