Interface Segregation Principle – Why Not Apply to Extreme

functional programminginterfacesobject-orientedobject-oriented-designsolid

Providing that clients would typically consume just one method, though methods would be conceptually related, why not always apply the Interface Segregation Principle to the extreme and have [many] single-method interfaces? Is there an objective rule against this? Not something like "oh it feels wrong" or "but you will have so many types, it's hard to read and manage" but rather something logical and clear. (Still want to name contracts clearly, so functions are not a good fit?).


   Shape CreateTriangle();
   Shape CreateCircle();
   Shape CreateSquare();
   Shape CreateEllipse();
   Shape CreateCurve();
   Shape CreateLine();
   void RemoveAll();


   Shape CreateTriangle();

   Shape CreateCircle();

   Shape CreateSquare();

   Shape CreateEllipse();

   Shape CreateCurve();

   Shape CreateLine();

   void RemoveAll();

This is a relevant blog post, but I am not 100% persuaded by the authors logic:

Best Answer

There is someone who has developed this principle to the extreme, and further: the german software Engineer Ralf Westphal made a complete programming model from it and called it "Event Based Components", together with a design method, called Flow Design. Actually, he does not use the "interface form", only Func or Action contracts, and he has got a lot of very good arguments why this is probably the better way to go.

He has published most articles about it in german, but here is an article in english about his approach, not by himself. Last year he published a (cheap) book about the topic.