Open Source code bounties

open source

I have a library for R (open source statistics package) mapped out on paper. I have started coding the different functions but I realize that I don't have the time needed to finish this in a reasonable amount of time. I know I can just throw the code up on a repo and call for others to help fill in the blanks. But I'd like to incentivize things a bit. I'm thinking about putting a bounty on each function of, say, $5-$20. There's no way that $20 would be a fair return on time for a developer to code each function. But my thought is that the cash (or Amazon gift certificates) would be an inventive for people to actually work on the project. And it would allow me to put higher bounties on the functions I am most interested in.

I have a few questions related to this:

  1. Good idea?
  2. I going to make
    the development work faster, or
    slower? I've read Predictably
    and I'm concerned
    that by offering menial pay for
    functions I might actually
    disincentive developers.
  3. Are
    there sites devoted to this type of
    activity? Can you recommend one based on personal experience?
  4. Would you recommend a totally different approach? I'm open to ideas!

Best Answer

Not a good idea, in my mind. None of the OSS programmers I know would respond to such a bounty.

So, what does incentivize people? According to Dan Pink people are motivated by:

  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose

Then to attract good programmers, find a way to provide some or all of those items.

A second approach that can be done concurrently with the first is to display a home page that tracks the progress of the project, showing the status of each of the functions along with the person who provided the function that first passed the unit tests (you do have tests, right?).

Finally, it's been my experience that a compelling project doesn't need much help in attracting contributors. Take a look at what you are doing and if you are having a hard time attracting and keeping programmers to work on it, think about what that is telling you about the usefulness of your project.

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