Database Design – Issues with Over Normalization


Currently I am working on creating a new database schema as part of a major new product. Our previous customer address records (in a previous product) look something like this in our current schema (not all columns shown):

AddressID, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State. Zip, Country, Etc.

I want to normalize this so that an address actually breaks down to:

  • 1 address to many address lines
  • 1 address to a zip/postal code

So I sent out a communication saying that zip code will now be in its own table and that each "address" corresponds to one zip/postal code. In addition, addresses would be broken out so that we could support more than 2 address lines with a 1 to many relationship.

Some people in my group are now saying that I am over-normalizing the database. Am I?

Note, I am not a DBA but I feel that this is more logical and more efficient than the previous schema.


Thx to everyone for their input. I'm not going to break out the address or zips to their own tables. My original plan was to have a zip code lookup and re-use for the addresses so I would only have to have one set of zips, but I'll just drop everything on the record itself, and have a separate table for zip lookups.

Best Answer

You are overnormalizing (and as a database specialist, I don't say that often).

Think of how you use this data and you will see it makes the most sense to be in one table. If each address related to multiple zip codes, a second table makes sense. Since the relationship is one-to-one there is no need at all to split out the table unless you have too wide a record which is rarely the case in an address table.

Also since your configuration is not the common way that this data is stored, you will create a maintenance issue as new devs will be confused by the structure. Really, each address should be completely contained in one record.

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