Multithreading – Does Parallelism Imply Concurrency?


I often read that parallelism and concurrency are different things. Very often the answerers/commenters go as far as writing that they're two entirely different things. Yet in my view they're related but I'd like some clarification on that.

For example if I'm on a multi-core CPU and manage to divide the computation into x smaller computation (say using fork/join) each running in its own thread, I'll have a program that is both doing parallel computation (because supposedly at any point in time several threads are going to run on several cores) and being concurrent right?

While if I'm simply using, say, Java and dealing with UI events and repaints on the Event Dispatch Thread plus running the only thread I created myself, I'll have a program that is concurrent (EDT + GC thread + my main thread etc.) but not parallel.

I'd like to know if I'm getting this right and if parallelism (on a "single but multi-cores" system) always implies concurrency or not?

Also, are multi-threaded programs running on multi-cores CPU but where the different threads are doing totally different computation considered to be using "parallelism"?

Best Answer

According to Wikipedia:

Parallel computing is a form of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle that large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which are then solved concurrently ("in parallel").

That is, parallelism always implies concurrency.

Also, are multi-threaded programs running on multi-cores CPU but where the different threads are doing totally different computation considered to be using "parallelism"?

No. The essence of parallelism is that a large problem is divided into smaller ones so that the smaller pieces can be solved concurrently. The pieces are mutually independent (to some degree at least), but they're still part of the larger problem, which is now being solved in parallel.

The essence of concurrency is that a number of threads (or processes, or computers) are doing something simultaneously, possibly (but not necessarily) interacting in some ways. Wikipedia again:

Concurrency is a property of systems in which several computations are executing simultaneously, and potentially interacting with each other.