Code Review Frustrations – Improving Code Quality and Leadership


I wouldn't call myself a superstar dev, but a relatively experienced one. I try to keep code quality to a high level, and am always looking to make improvements to my coding style, try to make code efficient, readable and consistent as well as encouraging the team to follow a patterns & methodologies to ensure consistency. I also understand the necessity of balance between both quality and speed.

In order to achieve this, I have introduced to my team the concept of peer review. Two thumbs up in github pull-request for a merge. Great – but not in my opinion without hiccoughs.

I often see peer review comments from the same colleagues like –

  • Would be good to add a space after <INSERT SOMETHING HERE>
  • Unwanted extra line between methods
  • Full stop should be used at the end of comments in docblocks.

Now from my perspective – the reviewer is superficially looking at the code aesthetics – and is not really performing a code review. The cosmetic code review comes across to me as arrogant/elitist mentality. It lacks substance, but you can't really argue too much with it because the reviewer is technically correct. I would much rather see less of the above kinds of reviews, and more reviews as follows:

  • You can reduce cyclomatic complexity by…
  • Exit early and avoid if/else
  • Abstract your DB query to a repository
  • This logic doesn't really belong here
  • Dont repeat yourself – abstract and reuse
  • What would happen if X was passed as an argument to method Y?
  • Where is the unit test for this?

I find that it is always the same kinds of people who give the cosmetic types of reviews, and the same types of people who in my opinion give the "Quality & Logic based" peer reviews.

What (if any) is the correct approach to peer review. And am I correct in being frustrated with the same people basically skimming over code looking for spelling errors & aesthetic defects rather than actual code defects?

If I am correct – how would I go about encouraging colleagues to actually look for faults in the code in balance with suggesting cosmetic touch-ups?

If I am incorrect – please enlighten me. Are there any rules of thumb for what actually constitutes a good code review? Have I missed the point of what code reviews are?

From my perspective – code review is about shared responsibility for the code. I wouldn't feel comfortable giving the thumbs-up to code without addressing/checking logic, readability and functionality. I also wouldn't bother blocking a merge for a solid piece of code if I noticed somebody had omitted a full stop in a doc-block.

When I review code, I spend maybe between 15-45minutes per 500 Loc. I can't imagine these shallow reviews taking longer than 10 minutes ever if that's the depth of review they are performing. Further, how much value is the thumb-up from the shallow reviewer? Surely this means that all thumbs are not of equal weight and there needs to be maybe a 2-pass review process. One thumb for deep reviews and a 2nd thumb for the "polishing"?

Best Answer

Types of reviews

There is no one true way to do peer reviews. There are many ways in which to judge whether code is of a sufficiently high quality. Clearly there is the question of whether it's buggy, or whether it has solutions that don't scale or which are brittle. Issues of conformance to local standards and guidelines, while perhaps not as critical as some of the others, is also part of what contributes to high quality code.

Types of reviewers

Just as we have different criteria for judging software, the people doing the judging are also different. We all have our own skills and predilections. Some may think that adhering to local standards is highly important, just as others might be more concerned with memory usage, or code coverage of your tests, and so on. You want all of these types of reviews, because as a whole they will help you write better code.

A peer review is collaboration, not a game of tag

I'm not sure you have the right to tell them how to do their job. Unless you know otherwise with certainty, assume that this person is trying to contribute the way he or she sees fit. However, if you see room for improvement, or suspect maybe they don't understand what is expected in a peer review, talk to them.

The point of a peer review is to involve your peers. Involvement isn't throwing code over a wall and waiting for a response to be thrown back. Involvement is working together to make better code. Engage in a conversation with them.


Towards the end of your question you wrote:

how would I go about encouraging colleagues to actually look for faults in the code in balance with glaring aesthetic errors?

Again, the answer is communication. Perhaps you can ask them "hey, I appreciate you catching these mistakes. It would help me tremendously if you could also focus on some deeper issues such as whether I'm structuring my code properly. I know it takes time, but it would really help."

On a more pragmatic note, I personally divide code review comments into two camps and phrase them appropriately: things that must be fixed, and things that are more cosmetic. I would never prevent solid, working code from being checked in if there were too many blank lines at the end of a file. I will point it out, however, but I'll do so with something like "our guidelines say to have a single blank line at the end, and you have 20. It's not a show-stopper, but if you get a chance you might want to fix it".

Here's something else to consider: it may be a pet peeve of yours that they do such a shallow review of your code. It may very well be that a pet peeve of theirs is that you (or some other teammate who gets a similar review) are sloppy with respect to your own organization's coding standards, and this is how they have chosen to communicate that with you.

What to do after the review

And lastly, a bit of advice after the review: When committing code after a review, you might want to consider taking care of all the cosmetic things in one commit, and the functional changes in another. Mixing the two can make it hard to differentiate significant changes from insignificant ones. Make all of the cosmetic changes and then commit with a message like "cosmetic; no functional changes".

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