PHP file_put_contents File Locking

file handlinglocksPHP

The Senario:

You have a file with a string (average sentence worth) on each line. For arguments sake lets say this file is 1Mb in size (thousands of lines).

You have a script that reads the file, changes some of the strings within the document (not just appending but also removing and modifying some lines) and then overwrites all the data with the new data.

The Questions:

  1. Does 'the server' PHP, OS or httpd etc. already have systems in place to stop issues like this (reading/writing half way through a write)?

  2. If it does, please explain how it works and give examples or links to relevant documentation.

  3. If not, are there things I can enable or set-up, such as locking a file until a write is completed and making all other reads and/or writes fail until the previous script has finished writing?

My Assumptions and Other Information:

  1. The server in question is running PHP and Apache or Lighttpd.

  2. If the script is called by one user and is halfway through writing to the file and another user reads the file at that exact moment. The user who reads it will not get the full document, as it hasn't been written yet. (If this assumption is wrong please correct me)

  3. I'm only concerned with PHP writing and reading to a text file, and in particular, the functions "fopen"/"fwrite" and mainly "file_put_contents". I have looked at the "file_put_contents" documentation but have not found the level of detail or a good explanation of what the "LOCK_EX" flag is or does.

  4. The scenario is an example of a worst case scenario where I would assume these issues are more likely to occur, due to the large size of the file and the way the data is edited. I want to learn more about these issues and don't want or need answers or comments such as "use mysql" or "why are you doing that" because I'm not doing that, I just want to learn about file read/writing with PHP and don't seem to be looking in the right places/documentation and yes I understand PHP is not the perfect language for working with files in this way.

Best Answer

I know this is ages old, but in case someone runs into this. IMHO the way to go about it is like this:

1) Open the original file (e.g. original.txt) using file_get_contents('original.txt').

2) Make your changes/edits.

3) Use file_put_contents('original.txt.tmp') and write it to a temp file original.txt.tmp.

4) Then move the tmp file to the original file, replacing the original file. For this you use rename('original.txt.tmp', 'original.txt').

Advantages: While the file is being processed and written to the file is not locked and others can still read the old content. At least on Linux/Unix boxes rename is an atomic operation. Any interruptions during the file writing don't touch the original file. Only once the file has been fully written to disk is it moved. More interesting read on this in the comments to

Edit to address commments(too for comment): has further references to what you might need to do if you are operating across filesystems.

On the shared lock for the reading I am not sure why that would be needed as in this implementation there is no writing to the file directly. PHP's flock (which is used to get the lock) is a little but unreliable and can be ignored by other processes. Thats why I am suggesting using the rename.

The rename file should ideally be named uniquely to the process doing the renaming so as to make sure not 2 processes do the same thing. But this of course does not prevent editing of the same file by more than one person at the same time. But at least the file will be left intact (last edit wins).

Step 3) & 4) would then become this:

$tempfile = uniqid(microtime(true)); // make sure we have a unique name
file_put_contents($tempFile); // write temp file
rename($tempfile, 'original.txt'); // ideally on the same filesystem
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