Php – Handling Errors In PHP When Using MVC

error handlingmvcPHP

I've been using Codeigniter a lot recently, but one thing that gets on my nerves is handling errors and displaying them to the user. I've never been good at handling errors without it getting messy. My main concern is when returning errors to the user.

Is it good practice to use exceptions and throw/catch exceptions rather than returning 0 or 1 from functions and then using if/else to handle the errors. Thus, making it easier to inform the user about the issue.

I tend to go away from exceptions. My Java tutor at university some years ago told me "exceptions shouldn't be used in production code it's more for debugging". I get the feeling he was lying.

But, an example, I have code that adds a user to a database. During the process more than 1 thing could go wrong, such as a database issue, a duplicate entry, a server issue, etc. When an issue happens during registration the user needs to know about it.

What's the best way to handle errors in PHP, keeping in mind that I'm using an MVC framework.

Best Answer

Is it good practice to use exceptions and throw/catch exceptions rather than returning 0 or 1 from functions and then using if/else to handle the errors. Thus, making it easier to inform the user about the issue.

No, no, no!

Don't mix exceptions and errors. Exceptions are, well, exceptional. Errors are not. When you ask a user to enter a quantity of a product, and the user enters "hello", it's an error. It's not an exception: there is nothing exceptional in seeing an invalid input from the user. Why can't you use exceptions in non-exceptional cases, like when validating input? Other people explained it already, and shown a valid alternative for input validation.

This also means that the user don't care about your exceptions, and showing the exceptions is both unfriendly and dangerous. For example, an exception during an execution of an SQL query often reveals the query itself. Are you sure you want to take a risk to show such message to everyone?

more than 1 thing could go wrong, such as a database issue, a duplicate entry, a server issue, etc. When an issue happens during registration the user needs to know about it.

Wrong. As a user, I don't need to know your database issues, duplicate entries, etc. I really don't care about your problems. What I do need to know is that I entered a username which already exist. As already said, a wrong input from me must trigger an error, not an exception.

How to output those errors? It depends on the context. For an already used username, I would like to see a small red flag appearing near the username, before even submitting the form, saying that the username is already used. With no JavaScript, the same flag must appear after submission.

An example of an AJAX-enabled error

For other errors, you would show a full page with an error, or choose another way to inform the user that something went wrong (for example a message which will appear, then fade away at the top of the page). The question is then related more to user experience than to programming.

From programmers point of view, depending of the type of the error, you will propagate it in different ways. For example, in a case of a username already taken, an AJAX request to will return a JSON object indicating:

  • That the user already exists,
  • The error message to show to the user.

The second point is important: you want to be sure that the same message appear both when submitting the form with JavaScript disabled and typing a duplicate username with JavaScript enabled. You don't want to duplicate the text of the error message in server-side source code and in JavaScript!

This is actually the technique used by Stack Exhange websites. For example if I try to upvote my own answer, the AJAX response contains the error to display:

{"Success":false,"Warning":false,"NewScore":0,"Message":"You can't vote for your own post.",

You can also choose another approach, and preset the errors in the HTML page before the form is filled. Pros: you don't have to send the error message in AJAX response. Cons: what about accessibility? Try to browse the page without CSS, and you'll see all the possible errors appear.