Php – How to get programmers to stop writing code vulnerable to SQL injection


Sometimes you get busy and delegate small tasks to junior programmers. But if you don't pay close enough attention you find yourself with this kind of code in production:

class DivtoggleController extends Zend_Controller_Action {

    public function closeAction() {
        /* ... code removed for brevity ... */

        $req = $this->getRequest();
        $formData = $req->getPost();

        $d = $formData['div'];
        $i = $formData['id'];

        $dm = new Model_DivtoggleManager();
        $rs = $dm->setDivToggleById($d, $i);



class Model_DivtoggleManager extends Zend_Db_Table {

    public function setDivToggleById($div, $id) {
        $result = $this->getAdapter()->query(
           "update div_toggle set " . $div . "=1 where id=" . $id


So, given that I have removed the authentication / session management logic for brevity, who can tell me what possible problem there might be with this sample?

Best Answer

You can teach them. Everyone does this in the beginning, even you. If this type of code makes it into production, it's the senior folks fault; not the junior.


One of the things that I have done is I personally have taken to pro-actively asking people to review my code (including the juniors) before a release. The code gets reviewed, the junior folks see it as a learning experience, people lose the fear of code review as a punishment, and they start doing the same thing.

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