PHP Functions – Multiple Arguments vs Single Array

functionsparametersPHPswitch statement

I have a function that takes in a set of parameters, then applies to them as conditions to an SQL query. However, while I favored a single argument array containing the conditions themselves:

function searchQuery($params = array()) {
    foreach($params as $param => $value) {
        switch ($param) {
            case 'name':
                $query->where('name', $value);
            case 'phone':
                $query->where('phone', $value);

My colleague preferred listing all the arguments explicitly instead:

function searchQuery($name = '', $phone = '') {
    if ($name) {
        $query->where('name', $value);

    if ($phone) {
        $query->where('phone', $value);

His argument was that by listing the arguments explicitly, the behavior of the function becomes more apparent – as opposed to having to delve into the code to find out what the mysterious argument $param was.

My problem was that this gets very verbose when dealing with a lot of arguments, like 10+. Is there any preferred practice? My worst-case scenario would be seeing something like the following:

searchQuery('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'search_query')

Best Answer

IMHO your colleague is correct for the above example. Your preference might be terse, but its also less readable and therefore less maintainable. Ask the question why bother writing the function in the first place, what does your function 'bring to the table'- I have to understand what it does and how it does it, in great detail, just to use it. With his example, even though I am not a PHP programmer, I can see enough detail in the function declaration that I do not have to concern myself with its implementation.

As far as a larger number of arguments, that is normally considered a code smell. Typically the function is trying to do too much? If you do find a real need for a large number of arguments, it is likely they are related in some way and belong together in one or a few structures or classes (maybe even array of related items such as lines in an address). However, passing an unstructured array does nothing to address the code smells.

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