PHP Web Applications Coding Standards – Project Directory Structure


Actually i'm using this project directory structure

But recently i started using namespaces in all my php-classes like:


and now I'm a little bit confused on where should i put all this directories in order to maintain a correct folder structure.
In the old project directory structure i also wrote directory names in lowercase, but now with namespaces i saw that most frameworks use camelcase like in the example above.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Most modern PHP projects are structured much like a Java package; ie a top level source folder, with subdirectories for each vendor, containing subdirectories for individual packages and so on.

However, because PHP doesn't have the same kind of loading of classes as a language like Java, it loads its classes using an autoload function. This means that files must be in a predictable location, or else be missed by the loader.

The PSR-0 and PSR-4 specifications from the PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG) are intended to standardise the stucture of packages. These specifications are adopted and implemented by pretty much all 1 modern (see: last few years) PHP libraries, packages and applications; aidedin no small part, I'm sure, by Composer.

In short, the PSR-0 specification requires that, under a given directory, files be structured and named according to the namespace of the single class they contain. For example, if the source directory is src and you have a class My\Simple\Class, then your class could be found at


1 I can't think of a single project off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are some out there.

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