Php – python vs php (for project managers)


Up to now, as a developer i preferred python for web programming and scripting. Now, i will manage some projects. I know that finding developers that know php is easier than finding developers that know python. I have a background of python, so if developers use python; i will be able to control and lead easier. This is a trade-off.

What is your suggestion?

Best Answer

Easier to find developers

Is a poor excuse for choosing a technology in my opinion. PHP developers are everywhere, but that doesn't mean you will find a good PHP developer.

What you want is a good developer, regardless of the languages they do or do not know. Picking up a new language should be relatively painless for a good developer.

If you believe Python would be the best choice for all but hiring potential, then go with Python, and stick it out until you find a decent hire.

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