Php – Repository Pattern: Doctrine2 vs Microsoft Entity Framework


I have been using Symfony2 with Doctrine2 for some years. I have recently started using Microsoft's Entity Framework with MVC5. From my Symfony2 experience I understand that a repository's job is only to retrieve and return objects, no additional operations like Saving. Now every examples I have seen for EF has a method Save/Update as part of the repository.

For symfony I have been creating manager classes as follows:

interface IManager
    function getClassName() ;
    IRepository getRepository() ;
    function Save(object);
    function Update();

So I pass around the manager, if I need to retrieve objects I call the repository directly. If I need to save I call the manager's save method.

Is a repository supposed to support save/update? What do you think of my IManager class, should I also use it for EF?

Best Answer

I think what confuses you about EF is the database context. It allows you to query objects like a Repository and save changes in persistence like a Unit of Work.

You have a lot of work done with EF database context. All you have to do is segregate the responsibilities by creating specific repositories and a unit of work that share the database context and pesists all changes in presistence with a single save call.

Check this link about create Repositories and UoW in EF. It is clear and easy to understand.

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