Php – Should I continue using procedural php code or move to a framework


I haven't done any serious web development stuff since last year because of family/time issues. I need to get back into it because it's my career choice and I'll be finished with my associates degree soon. I decided to revamp a previous website I helped the owner build. After deciding what to change, I couldn't make up my mind if I should continue with writing procedural code or move to a framework. I know without a doubt I can do it with procedural code but I'm undecided between it. I guess I'm looking for a second opinion, what would you do if you were in a similar situation?

Best Answer

That is a false choice.

There are a lot of php "frameworks" which actually are written in procedural style.

Instead of trying to find some magical framework which would bestow upon you the wisdom of programming , you should just learn how to write code in OOP manner. Here are few books that might you help with that :

You will notice that only 2 books in the list are strictly PHP, because the methods and ideas of OOP are not restricted to single language.

And, i would recommend to you to stay away from frameworks until you have learned how to write good code and understand the concepts and implementation of MVC. Because there does not exist a php framework which does it correctly ( there are some better , some worse, but all have issues ). That would cause you to learn bad coding practices, which then would be hard to get rid of.

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