Php – the purpose of returning $this in PHP


function select($select = '*')
        if( is_string($select) ) {
            $select = explode(',', $select) ;

        foreach($select as $s) {
            $s = trim($s) ;

            if($s != '') {
                $this->aSelect[] = $s ;

        return $this ;

In PHP, what is meant by return $this.

Best Answer

There are many scenarios in which one might want to return $this from a function, but the most popular one is 'method chaining'.

For example, in an SQL abstraction layer, you may have an object that represents a query, and then call a series of methods on it to extend it. Consider the following code:

$query = $database->select();
$query->whereEquals('username', $username);
$user = $query->executeSingleRow();

If each of $query's methods returns the modified query object, we can instead write this as:

$user = $database
            ->whereEquals('username', $username)

The second version is closer to how you'd write an actual SQL query, and it works without introducing the exta $query variable.

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