Php – What are the advantages to using SQL query builders


Are there any advantages to using a query builder, rather than using raw SQL?


  ->innerJoin('terms', 'post_id')



I see that many frameworks use these kind of abstraction layers, but I fail to understand the benefits.

Best Answer

The abstraction of writing the SQL via a framework well, abstracts.

Writing SQL by hand is not all that bad by itself, but you start to get issues with escaping and sanitizing and this turns into a mess. An abstraction layer can take care of all of this behind the scenes allowing your code to be clean and free of lots of mysql_real_escape_string() calls or the like.

Additionally, this brings in the possibility of accounting for different dialects of SQL. Not all databases are built same and there may be variations in keywords or the syntax of a certain functionality. Using an abstraction layer brings in the ability to generate the correct syntax for your variant dynamically.

While an abstraction layer can introduce a performance hit, it is generally negligible compared to the cleanliness and robustness of code you receive in return.

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