Php – When should one consider learning a framework


I have recently started to learn PHP and while reading through a bunch of different articles and questions posted on Stack Exchange I noticed everyone recommends learning a framework.

While I am up for the task and already selected Zend as the framework I will start learning at some point, I have only just scratched the surface when it comes to PHP and from what I know one should have some experience in a language before learning a framework. I want to learn the language the right way since I want to get a job as a PHP developer (I already know HTML, CSS, Javascript). At the moment my knowledge of PHP is limited to it's syntax, OOP, cookies, sessions and form validation. I have also developed a blog which contains a search panel, login system and a forum.

What I want to know is how much experience with core PHP should I have before starting to learn Zend? In what parts of PHP should I concentrate my efforts to become a good developer?

I remember when I started learning Javascript I didn't pay enought attention to the language itself and went directly to jQuery, something that didn't go very well for me on the long run I don't want to make the same mistake again.

I have found a similar question here but it didn't seem to answer my question.

Best Answer

Learning the framework might help you learn php.

Learning jQuery first might have gone better for you, if you'd studied the source code for jQuery. Granted, that might not have been the easiest way to go about it, but it would have told you earlier when you needed to go back and study the language fundamentals.