Prevalence of “back end” programmer roles in ASP.NET (MVC) projects

First, unless anyone has better definitions, let's define "back end" and "front end" according to their usage here:
Is it common to separate back-end and front-end into two positions on web development projects?.

How common is it to find programmers exclusively assigned to back end or front end roles on a team? What's the scope of their responsibilities?

Best Answer

In theory, the answers from question you quoted already answer your question. In a startup, it's a bad idea to have an ASP.NET developer who works only on the back end. In a large company, it can be suggested to have a dedicated developer for every task according to the skills of every person.

In practice, I never saw an ASP.NET developer working only on a back end, even on websites large enough. Also (but this is just my personal opinion), ASP.NET does a really bad job when it comes to separating work among people: it's difficult to have a dedicated C# developer and a dedicated HTML/CSS programmer; it's difficult to strictly separate a project into a front-end and a back-end.

Of course, things change when it comes to very large websites. Not only because you can't develop the whole website alone in a reasonable amount of time, but also because you'll lack the required skills or the knowledge of the overall project requirements.