Private Mobile Apps – Developing Private Apps for iOS and Android


Is it possible to develop private apps for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android?

With "private apps" I mean apps that do not appear on the public app store, but can be downloaded and used only by selected clients.

Best Answer

Most Android devices can install application simply by opening an apk file in the browser. You can use self-signed certificates, so no problem there.

It's more difficult with iOS applications. Everything you do there must go through Apple. Apple development site has lots of information about the different ways to do that but mostly it reduces to the following 3 types of distribution.

  1. App store - the usual way to distribute Requires going through App store approval.
  2. App store using B2B program - you can distribute to specific companies using App store. Requires going through App store approval.
  3. Apple Enteprise distribution - apps can be installed from any web site but license forbids you to install them on devices not owned by your enteprise (or something similar). Basically usable only when developer company = customer company. Note there are no automatic updates when new version is released. Doesn't go through App store approval so even private APIs are possible.
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