Development – Problems with Unpopular Programming Languages


I'm developing some application with clojure(lisp) alone in my team. It starts as small application. No problem. But as it's having features and extending the area, it's becoming important program.

I worried about maintenance or something. No one in my team knows clojure or lisp nor is interested in languages such as them.

So, isn't it wrong to do programming in unpopular languages? (for my own fun?) Should I use more popular languages? (at least such as python)

I'm sure if I leave the team, –not saying I'm leaving. :)– no one would maintain it. This program will be destroyed and some will develop with other language.

I'm very enjoying developing with clojure though, I came across with that this might be not for my team.

What do you think about this? I think many programmers loving unpopular languages have been concerning similar issue.

Best Answer

I feel your pain, I would love to do more coding in functional programming (Haskell looks so fun!). I feel like I have only just scratched the surface because I have yet to use it in a business context.

I would strongly suggest against doing it though. If you program in a language only you know then only you will be able to support it. Unless you want to have to deal with every support issue (Even when you have other deadlines/priorities) then code in a language your team know and can support. What happens when something breaks while you are on holiday? What happens if you want to get promoted?

I would recommend you get at least one other team member on board with you. Show them some cool language features. With two people on board it becomes workable and you wont be loaded with all the support.

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