Product backlog acceptance criteria


I read on a similar forum about putting in the acceptance criteria for product backlog item.

I am working on a Scrum based project and I need more info as my backlog item is as follows –

UserProfiles ( I am using this in the title field in tfs 2013) and the description contains all the "As a user I want to be able to create new users and assign permissions'

The acceptance criteria talks about how the user interacts with the UI (as discussed in one of the answers in the above link – which is very logical)

For example

  • As the user clicks on the home button, system will bring up 3 options
  • And then the user can enter their user name

Is this the right approach I am using to use title for PBI and put the actual user story in description field in tfs

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I like utilizing acceptance criteria, but as another user mentioned, stories should be negotiable. Let's see an example of how we could change this to better fit an agile environment:

"As the user clicks on the home button, system will bring up 3 options."

This is too specific for a story as far as I'm concerned.

You (sort of) have two options.

Change it to something more like, "The user needs to be able to select between these options when they are logging in...". This way we're not directly dictating implementation. Depending on context, it's possible that this way still may be too specific.

And even then, this may be a separate story all together, depending on context: "As a user, I need to be able to select between these options, so that..."

In the end, this is up to your team and what they're comfortable with. Talk to them. Bring it up in the retrospective.

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