Python Exceptions – How to Choose Between Check First vs Exception Handling


I'm working through the book "Head First Python" (it's my language to learn this year) and I got to a section where they argue about two code techniques:
Checking First vs Exception handling.

Here is a sample of the Python code:

# Checking First
for eachLine in open("../../data/sketch.txt"):
    if eachLine.find(":") != -1:
        (role, lineSpoken) = eachLine.split(":",1)
        print("role=%(role)s lineSpoken=%(lineSpoken)s" % locals())

# Exception handling        
for eachLine in open("../../data/sketch.txt"):
        (role, lineSpoken) = eachLine.split(":",1)
        print("role=%(role)s lineSpoken=%(lineSpoken)s" % locals())

The first example deals directly with a problem in the .split function. The second one just lets the exception handler deal with it (and ignores the problem).

They argue in the book to use exception handling instead of checking first. The argument is that the exception code will catch all errors, where checking first will only catch the things you think about (and you miss the corner cases). I have been taught to check first, so my intial instinct was to do that, but their idea is interesting. I had never thought of using the exception handling to deal with cases.

Which of the two is the generally considered the better practice?

Best Answer

In .NET, it is common practice to avoid the overuse of Exceptions. One argument is performance: in .NET, throwing an exception is computationally expensive.

Another reason to avoid their overuse is that it can be very difficult to read code that relies too much on them. Joel Spolsky's blog entry does a good job of describing the issue.

At the heart of the argument is the following quote:

The reasoning is that I consider exceptions to be no better than "goto's", considered harmful since the 1960s, in that they create an abrupt jump from one point of code to another. In fact they are significantly worse than goto's:

1. They are invisible in the source code. Looking at a block of code, including functions which may or may not throw exceptions, there is no way to see which exceptions might be thrown and from where. This means that even careful code inspection doesn't reveal potential bugs.

2. They create too many possible exit points for a function. To write correct code, you really have to think about every possible code path through your function. Every time you call a function that can raise an exception and don't catch it on the spot, you create opportunities for surprise bugs caused by functions that terminated abruptly, leaving data in an inconsistent state, or other code paths that you didn't think about.

Personally, I throw exceptions when my code can't do what it is contracted to do. I tend to use try/catch when I'm about to deal with something outside of my process boundary, for instance a SOAP call, a database call, file IO, or a system call. Otherwise, I attempt to code defensively. It's not a hard and fast rule, but it is a general practice.

Scott Hanselman also writes about exceptions in .NET here. In this article he describes several rules of thumb regarding exceptions. My favourite?

You shouldn't throw exceptions for things that happen all the time. Then they'd be "ordinaries".

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