Python – Solving Slow Desktop GUI Loading Issues

guigui designperformancepython

I am developing desktop based GUI (single form) using wxPython and loads it using remote citrix access from client private network.

Suppose, the GUI has certain group of select and text boxes which are loaded together when application starts. The value of select boxes come from database and on the basis of selection of select box value, corresponding text boxes (which are initially blank) are populated from database.

Now the problem is, due to slow remote access, we have to wait for long time (approximately 5-7 minutes ) before all controls are loaded. Is there any suggestion, if we can reduce this time ?

One way coming in first thought is to divide the GUI in multiple tabs and divide the controls among tabs. This way I need to load less controls when application starts for showing first tab. Other controls load, only after user click corresponding tab.

Any other way or this one is the best approach?

Best Answer

7 minutes? This must be megabytes worth of data. Even over a 56K modem you could download a megabyte or more in that time. If it isn't megabytes of data, then you are using a bad access pattern like a fetch-one cursor, and should change to a batch download pattern. If it is a lot of small individual queries, fire them off simultaneously on threads or write a database procedure to collect all of the data server-side and send it in one query.

If the values for the select boxes change infrequently, then cache the values in a text file or local database and use those until the real values arrive.

Or, write the values into the application or a shared library. Then check for an application update on start, the way that tax applications work.

If the data does change frequently, track the changes and provide a way to download patches to update the local data caches.

Finally, set it up so that any mistakes because of out-dated data will be caught during data submission to the real database.

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