Algorithms in Python – Fastest Way to Find the Closest Point


I have a list in Python 2.7 of about 10000 point co-ordinates, like

[(168, 245), (59, 52), (61, 250), ... (205, 69), (185, 75)]

Is there a faster way to search for all the points in a bounding box, instead of just iterating over the entire list each time and checking if the co-ord is inside the 4 sides??
I'm using this "algoritm" to see if any point, which is randomly moving, has come inside the stationary bounding box..(if it helps)

Best Answer

If the points are constantly moving, then it's impossible to do better than O(n), because you have to check each point every time it moves. You have some code somewhere that moves the points, just add the bounds check into that code. Keeping a list sorted, or updating a quadtree or something would only be more efficient if the point positions were not changing frequently and instead you were checking several different bounding boxes, like searching for points on a map, for example.

If the points are moving according to a preset pattern, like in a straight line at a constant velocity, then you can change your algorithm to only do the bounds check when the direction or speed is changed. For example, if you are moving one pixel per second, and the bounding box is 10 pixels away, you know you don't have to check that point for another 10 seconds. 100 points is a pretty small number though, and at that small of a scale, the overhead from the extra complexity may not outweigh the extra iterations of the simpler algorithm.

Also, that small of a scale makes me wonder if you're sure the bounds checking is your bottleneck. A modern computer should be easily able to bounds check 100 points in under 10 microseconds. Have you actually measured it?

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