Programming Practices – Is Monkeypatching Good Practice?

meta-programmingmonkey-patchprogramming practicespythonruby

I've been under impression, that monkeypatching is more in quick and dirty hack category, rather than standard, good programming practice. While I'd used from time to time to fix minor issues with 3rd party libs, I considered it temporary fix and I'd submit proper patch to the 3rd party project.

However, I've seen this technique used as "the normal way" in mainstream projects, for example in Gevent's gevent.monkey module.

Has monkeypatching became mainstream, normal, acceptable programming practice?

See also: "Monkeypatching For Humans" by Jeff Atwood

Best Answer

No, but sometimes monkeypatch is a lesser evil (than having broken code :)). My general rules for monkeypatches in ruby are:

  • have a really good reason for monkey-patch (temporary critical hotfix is a good reason. Nice formatting of to_s method is not, unless you're working on ActiveSupport)

  • make them as transparent as possible: put them into specific place in codebase and separate files, write documentation describing the reason for monkeypatch (here's an example).

  • easy to remove - documentation should include info about removal and what to watch for. Lots of monkeypatches are temporary, so they should be easy to remove.

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