Python – Multiple sites with the same codebase in Python


I am trying to run a large amount of sites which share about 90% of their code. They are simply designed to query an API and return the results. They will have a common userbase / database but will be configured slightly different and will have different CSS (perhaps even different templating).

My initial idea was to run them as separate applications with a common library but I have read about the sites framework which would allow them to run from a single instance of Django which may help to reduce memory usage.

Is the site framework the right approach to a problem like this, and does it have real benefits over running separate applications?

Initially I thought it was, but now I think otherwise. I have heard the following:

Your SITE_ID is set in, so in order to have multiple
sites, you need multiple configurations, which means
multiple distinct processes/instances. You can of course share the
code base between them, but each site will need a dedicated worker /
WSGIDaemon to serve the site.

This effectively removes any benefit of running multiple sites under one hood, if each site needs a UWSGI instance running.

Alternative ideas of systems:

I don't know what route to be taking with this.

Best Answer

Why are you optimizing?
You seem to be concerned about memory usage. Why? Is the projected savings large enough to let you rent a cheaper VM? Is the sites' current usage threatening to bust your machine's current RAM? (And even if they are, are you confident that your going to spend less on development time for this feature than you would for just getting a better machine?)

Let's assume you already asked yourself that...
And the unfortunate conclusion was that there is a compelling reason to optimize memory usage.

You are talking about putting in work and code infrastructure to link these sites into a single, optimized unit. If these separate sites are inextricably linked to each other in some way other than sharing the same code base, it makes sense to build physical infrastructure on top of that logical grouping. If these are functionally separate sites that just happen to use mostly the same codebase, I would advise to not even think about using a framework like this unless you've got no other choice.

What if one of the sites later wants to pick up a windows dependency (assuming the others are running on *nix right now)? What if one of the sites becomes so popular that it needs to be on a separate machine for performance reasons? What if the customer wants to relocate one of the sites for better response times in Europe?

Without any other details about what you are working on, creating an architecture that ties these sites together sounds like a pretty questionable endeavor.

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