Python – Pattern for subclass overload with different arguments


I'm in the process of writing an bidirectional, asynchronous socket server and server handler. The base handler class I'm working off of is as follows:

class BaseAsyncSocketHandler:
    async def send(self, data: bytes) -> int

However, I want to write a subclass that sends two arguments, an event and arbitrary corresponding data, which suggests the signature:

   async def send(self, event: str, data: object) -> int:
       return await super().send(event_data_magic_to_bytes(event, data))

Unfortunately, this violates the Liskov substitution principle, and I don't think writing it as a mixin will makes the situation any better, so I'm hoping somebody has either seen this before or can think of a better design pattern (or tell me this is an unnecessary abstraction in the first place).

Best Answer

In the end, I settled on providing the following:

class BaseAsyncSocketHandler:

    async def _send(self, data: bytes) -> int:

    async def send(self, *args, **kwargs) -> int:

This way the user can implement subsets of the send method while using the base send method provided by the socket wrapper. As to why I wanted to use send instead of just creating another class method like send_event, I think I mostly just wanted the interface to the class to remain compact and usable while allowing for different socket methodologies.

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