Python – Should Scripts Be Included Inside a Python Package?


In my Python application, I can distinguish between entry points (scripts) and what I think of as library code.

My instinct is to put the library code inside a package, and the scripts elsewhere importing from the package.

It is possible using to reference methods inside a package to use as entry-points, thereby having all Python code inside packages.

Which is preferable?

Note: this link discusses both options but doesn't really offer an opinion.

Edit: to give a more concrete example, I am reviewing some code which contains one package. There are forty modules inside it:

  • 11 'scripts'
  • 10 'library modules' used by those scripts
  • 18 test modules

This doesn't feel like it is using the capability of packages very well, but I can't put my finger on what exactly is wrong.

I appreciate that having tests in the same package was not in my original question.

Best Answer

Yes, this is possible and quite common for packages that serve as both command-line tools and imported libraries.

In, add a module's function as an entry point:

    entry_points={'console_scripts': [
        'foo = my_package.some_module:main_func',

To create a script named foo that calls the my_func function inside of my_package.some_module. Read more at

It is also a convention it to add:

#!/usr/bin/env python


if __name__ == '__main__':

to the modules that can be called as "scripts" where my_func is the function you'd like to call externally.

Here is an example of

and a callable module:

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