Python Distribution – Single File: Module or Package?


Suppose I have a useful python function or class (or whatever) called useful_thing which exists in a single file. There are essentialy two ways to organize the source tree. The first way uses a single module:

- README.rst
- ...etc...

where useful_thing is defined in The second strategy is to make a package:

- README.rst
- ...etc...
- foo

where useful_thing is defined in In the package case would look like this

from foo.module import useful_thing

so that in both cases you can do from foo import useful_thing.

Question: Which way is preferred, and why?

EDIT: Since user gnat says this question is poorly formed, I'll add that the official python packaging tutorial does not seem to comment on which of the methods described above is the preferred one. I am explicitly not giving my personal list of pros and cons because I'm interested in whether there is a community preferred method, not generating a discussion of pros/cons 🙂

Best Answer

You do the simplest thing that works for you.

For a one function module, there is absolutely no point in creating a package. Packages are useful for creating an additional namespace and/or for organising your code across multiple modules.

The json and unittest modules in the Python standard library are really packages for example, for code organisation purposes. But it is perfectly fine to leave code currently living in just one python file, as one module.

If you want examples:

For a good example of projects that really make excellent use of packages, look at:

There is no 'official' recommendation; both options are entirely valid.

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