Python – What makes Python more used as an implementation language than the others


Perl and Python are often compared to each other (let's not forget Ruby), and almost always those discussions will come to the conclusion pretty much anything you can do in one or the other.

Without going into that, I've noticed that Python however, is often used as an implementation language (uhmm, maybe the term here is incorrect technically – a language you use to, for example, enable some degree of scripting in a large application … Tecplot, Rhinoceros etc.; these are from the scientific area; there are others surely) and Perl never (well, to my knowledge at least).

So I was wondering – what makes Python more suitable for something like that? What particulars make a language more suitable to be implemented as part of a larger app. for scripting in general? Is it only that that wasn't so common 10 years ago (scripting in applications), and Python is just at its peak at the moment, … or something else?

Best Answer

Python is pretty easy to embed and has good documentation on how to do it.

Also, Python has a pretty approachable syntax, even for new users. Perl tends to have obtuse syntax making it less approachable for new users.

Another common language for embedding is Lua. It is known to be fairly easy to embed and has low operating overhead.

Python is well known and used in the Scientific community thanks to SciPy and NumPy, which may influence your particular observations.

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