Python Compiler – Why No Native Machine Code Compiler?


As I understand, the cause of the speed difference between compiled languages and python is, that the first compiles code all way to the native machine's code, whereas python compiles to python bytecode, to be interpreted by the PVM. I see that this way python codes can be used on multiple operation system (at least in most cases), however I do not understand, why is not there an additional (and optional) compiler for python, which compiles the same way as traditional compilers. This would leave to the programmer to chose, which is more important to them; multiplatform executability or performance on native machine.
In general; why are not there any languages which could be behave both as compiled and interpreted?

Best Answer

No. The reason why there are speed differences between languages like Python and C++ is because statically-typed languages give the compiler tons of information about the structure of the program and its data which allows it to optimize both computations and memory access. Because C++ knows that variable is of type int, it can determine the optimal way to manipulate that variable even before the program is run. In Python on the other hand, the runtime doesn't know what value is in a variable right until the line is reached by the interpreter. This is extremely important for structures, where in C++, the compiler can easily tell the size of the structure and every location of its fields within memory during compilation. This gives it huge power in predicting how the data might be used and lets it optimize according to those predictions. No such thing is possible for languages like Python.

To effectively compile languages like Python you would need to:

  1. Ensure that the structure of data is static during the execution of the program. This is problematic because Python has eval and metaclasses. Both which make it possible to change the structure of the program based on the input of the program. This is one of the things that give Python such expressive power.
  2. Infer the types of all variables, structures and classes from the source code itself. While it is possible to some degree, the static type system and algorithm would be so complex it would be almost impossible to implement in a usable way. You could do it for a subset of the language, but definitely not for the whole set of language features.