Ruby on Rails – Rails Generators for Subscription and Payment Processing


I've been thinking about making a generator for managing subscriptions with options for a couple different payment processing services, it is something that I would use. Are there any existing examples of this, or any thoughts on a generator. I thought it might work like the scaffold function, similar to the authentication function in nifty-generators.

EDIT: Also, It seems that there should be a lot of security concerns when implementing payment processing, having a consistent and common way to generate this would let me make sure best practices and security are followed the same in all my apps.

Best Answer

Given the pain you'll experience when you start to navigate the byzantine requirements of PCI compliance, I think "best practices" in this area is not to handle payment processing in the first place.

At least, not within your application.

Stripe is an online payment processor geared toward developers. It's a breeze to accept credit card payments through their API, and it offloads responsibility (and liability) for PCI regulation issues to someone else. Which is a Good Thing.

There's even a Railscasts episode all about using Stripe to handle payments, and the stripe-rails gem will bootstrap the process for you.

Oh, and Stripe handles periodic billing (for subscriptions) for you.

Before you head down this road, I highly recommend taking a look at available technologies you might leverage. Although the code for payment processing is often fairly straightforward, the liability issues are massive.

P.S. I don't work for Stripe or anything. I just think their product/service is excellent, and a good match for your use case.

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