Rate limiting *un*-authenticated requests

load balancingnginxrate-limiting

Say we have a load balancer that also does rate limiting. Rate limiting seems pretty straightforward for logged-in users – just look at the JWT and maybe use an in-memory data-store to see how many requests in the last 10 seconds for that user.

However, what about non-logged in (unauthenticated) users? We don't know for sure who they or where the request is coming from exactly, so can't easily rate-limit those requests or..?

Are there built-in solutions to this on AWS and other hosting platforms is it something we need to worry about? Seems like we need to handle the rate-limiting logic of logged-users manually, but what about non-logged in users?

My guess/hope is there might be some built-in mechanism for rate-limiting unauthenticated requests on hosting platforms, please inform us all.

Best Answer

However, what about non-logged in (unauthenticated) users? We don't know for sure who they or where the request is coming from exactly, so can't easily rate-limit those requests or..?

There are a couple approaches you can take. One is that you need a reasonably reliable origin identifier, for example IP address. You can rate limit by IP address, so that attacks on a single compromised machine will be limited. This is a pretty simple approach, but there's a drawback that there are large network providers may only use single outgoing IP addresses to hide a very large number of users behind a NAT.

Another approach to rate limiting you can take is to require a proof of work for any unauthenticated requests. Your server issues a challenge code that any clients making unauthenticated request (e.g. login requests) have to calculate an resource intensive response before the request is processed. A common implementation of this idea requires the clients to calculate a partial hash reversion.

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