BDD vs TDD – Relation Between BDD and TDD


What is the relation of BDD and TDD?

From what I understood BDD adds two main things over TDD: tests naming (ensure/should) and acceptance tests. Should I follow TDD during development by BDD? If yes, should my TDD unit tests be named in the same ensure/should style?

Best Answer

BDD adds a cycle around the TDD cycle.

So you start with a behaviour and let that drive your tests, then let the tests drive the development. Ideally, BDD is driven by some kind of acceptance test, but that's not 100% necessary. As long as you have the expected behaviour defined, you're ok.

So, let's say that you're writing a Login Page.

Start with the happy path:

Given that I am on the login page
When I enter valid details
Then I should be logged into the site
And shown my default page

This Given-And-When-And-Then-And syntax is common in behaviour-driven development. One of the advantages of it is that it can be read (and, with training, written) by non-developers -- that is, your stakeholders can view the list of behaviours you have defined for successful completion of a task and see if it matches their expectations long before you release an incomplete product.

There is a scripting language, known as Gherkin, which looks a lot like the above and allows you to write test code behind the clauses in these behaviours. You should look for a Gherkin-based translator for your usual development framework. That's out of the scope of this answer.

Anyway, back to the behaviour. Your current application doesn't do this yet (if it does then why is someone requesting a change?), so you're failing this test, whether you're using a test runner or simply testing manually.

So now it's time to switch to the TDD cycle to provide that functionality.

Whether you're writing BDD or not, your tests should be named to a common syntax. One of the most common is the "should" syntax you described.

Write a test: ShouldAcceptValidDetails. Go through the Red-Green-Refactor cycle until you're happy with it. Do we now pass the behaviour test? If not, write another test: ShouldRedirectToUserDefaultPage. Red-Green-Refactor til you're happy. Wash, rinse, repeat until you fulfil the criteria set out in the behaviour.

And then we move on to the next behaviour.

Given that I am on the login page
When I enter an incorrect password
Then I should be returned to the login page
And shown the error "Incorrect Password"

Now you shouldn't have preempted this to pass your earlier behaviour. You should fail this test at this point. So drop back down to your TDD cycle.

And so on until you have your page.

Highly recommend The Rspec Book for learning more about BDD and TDD, even if you're not a Ruby developer.

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