How to Solve a Relative Scoring System


I am trying to assign scores to phone's specifications to calculate a final rating score for each phone.

However, when I was scoring based on megapixels, I found that one of the phones 'A' has a 41MP camera. But all other phones have 8MP or less, which is pretty good for a phone. Right now, when I grade relatively wrt phone A (rating 5/5), all other phones get a score of 1 or 2 out of 5. I would like it to be a little more fair, as it was just one phone with a very high value. Could you suggest me the best way to go about solving this issue where the relative grading is more fair?

Best Answer

You might want to log(n) some of your scores. Then there will still be a relation between megapixels and score but not a linear one. (btw size of the sensor is a much better metric)

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