MIT License – Do You Have to Release Code of MIT Licensed Software Using a GPL Library?


Lets say I'm using Node-Webkit, an MIT licensed app runtime. Now, let's say I decide to include a Javascript library which is GPL licensed: while I do not modify the downloaded JS file, I do write my own code making use of the library's functions. I plan to sell the final obfuscated executable and I'm wondering: what's the final license of the complete software? Do I only have to release the GPL library or does the GPL license apply for all the code I wrote? What happens to Node-Webkit's MIT license?

Best Answer

This is a question for your attorney.

I am not an attorney, and more importantly I'm not your attorney. This is not legal advice. This is merely my rumination on the topic.

The effect of the GPL on your code depends on the definition of the GPL's concept of linking and derivative works. Because this is JavaScript, the matter of linking is not entirely clear. But if your code uses the GPL'd library, then your program as a whole is dependent on it and is therefore bound by the terms of the GPL. Under those terms, any user can demand the full, unobfuscated source code (under the GPL requirement of source code being in the "preferred form of the work for making modifications"), and you are required to convey it.

If you wish to distribute your work under a "proprietary license," and in an obfuscated form, then your work will be in violation of the GPL if you include any GPL code and do not also offer the full original source code for your project.