REST API design for web pages with wizards


I have a web page with wizard format. The submission button to the API will be in the 4th step of wizard. However I want the data entered to be stored in database before moving to the next step in the wizard. I also want the REST API to be working for the pages having single tab.

So I designed the API to take a query parameter action = draft or submit. If action is draft, only certain fields are mandatory. If action is submit, all fields are mandatory. Validations in the service layer of REST API will be done based on the query parameter. Looks like I've to explicitly specify the if/else clauses in the documentation. Is this an acceptable form of RESTful design ? What would be best design with these requirements ?

Best Answer

Since you want to persist things on the server between wizard steps, it seems perfectly acceptable to consider each step as a separate resource. Something along these lines :

POST /wizard/123/step1
POST /wizard/123/step2
POST /wizard/123/step3

By including hypermedia links in the response, you can inform the client on what it can do after this step - go forward or back for intermediary steps, and nothing for the final step. You can see an example of it in Figure 5 here.