REST API Design – POST vs PUT for UserId


For some routes on an API, like GET /news, one would asume the user only wants news that pertains to them, so the userId is implicitly taken from authentication info.

However, some of the routes on an API i'm designing modify the "users" resource – i.e. changing some account info. For example, the user might want to change their name on the account. I could do

POST /users/name


PUT /users/:userId/name

1) Is this dichotomy generally correct (correct meaning most REST APIs would be designed in this fashion)? The idea that PUT would use an explicit userId where POST would take it from authentication info

2) If yes to the above, which style makes more sense for "modifying-account-info" type routes? If no, what do you suggest?

Best Answer

I've seen good APIs designed both ways. On the one hand, providing the userId in authentication and the URL seems redundant.

On the other hand, it could be more consistent to have an explicit Id in the URL if there are also ways for one user to look at public data of another user or you are using the same or a similar API in clients that need to get data for many users. That way, you always provide a userId in the URL, no matter if it's redundant or not.

As an aside, I have also seen APIs where you could use the word "me" in the URL to refer to the authenticated user.